If God is the one who calls you, what others say or don’t say does not define you.
“Christina Patterson”
Have you ever struggled with something that was hard to share? Perhaps a secret that hadn’t yet been exposed? Has shame kept you from asking for prayer? Have you felt your concerns were too small to be worthy of requesting prayer? Have you ever desired prayer but felt too uncomfortable or shy or self-conscious to ask for it face to face?
Prayer4Me was born out of these struggles.
If your church is anything like ours, you might be familiar with prayer teams. At our church, at the end of worship service, the prayer teams stand at the front of church and invite anyone to come up and ask for prayer. There were so many times in Heather’s life where she desperately wanted and needed prayer, yet shame and fear prevented her from going up to the front. Admitting her struggles in person felt too vulnerable, too scary.
Meanwhile, Scott had been wrestling with his purpose. He spent many months praying and asking God how he could make an impact for Christ. One day during church service, Scott saw the opportunity God gave him. As prayer teams were called to the front, Scott observed (again) that not many people took advantage of this opportunity to request prayer. Yet, he knew that needs were great and that prayer is powerful. Then it clicked – he could create a software that would allow church members to talk to their prayer team far beyond Sunday morning in the safety of their own space and in their own timing. He could use technology to compound the power of prayer by providing access through something most of us have – a phone!
After much deliberation, Scott and Heather created Prayer4Me. Prayer4Me is a powerful prayer to text service that allows your identity to be anonymous to your prayer team. Users may desire to reveal their identity if they choose, but the ability to remain anonymous allows greater freedom to ask for prayer for all things, including your secret struggles. Prayer teams can respond in real time as needed.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
Our Mission
We are Scott and Heather Hunley, we are the founders of this incredible service. God called upon Scott one day at service to create a service that would connect His people to the church body they belonged to. This vision came after many hours of praying to God how to serve Him with the skill sets Scott acquired durning life. One day durning our church service Scott saw the opportunity God gave him. At the end of church services the prayer teams are called to the front of the congregation then we are excused from the service. Scott saw that not many people took advantage of this resource. Then it clicked for him to create a software that would allow the people of specific congregation to talk to those of his own prayer team. After many deliberations with Heather they created Prayer4Me. Prayer4Me is a power prayer to text service that allows your identify to be anonymous to your prayer team. They felt that this anonymity would give the user greater freedom to ask them (therefore God) anything.